
Archive for the ‘Literature’ Category

If your childhood took place any time between 1963 and 2009, it’s very likely that you are familiar with the story of Max, the mischevious little boy who dawns a wolf costume and travels to the land of the monstrous “Wild Things”—eventually becoming their king.  Where the Wild Things Are was among my favorite picture books as a child, and I must admit that my heart started beating a little faster after reading on Lateboots that there is a movie version coming out in October. 



This book is the source of so many warm memories for me.  To this day, just the sight of the Where the Wild Things Are cover INSTANTLY makes my day a little better…as any great piece of literature should.

“Back in the days when I was young I’m not a kid anymore
But some days I sit and wish I was a kid again”—Ahmad


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